Mighty Storms Of New England with WBZ Meteorologist Eric Fisher

Wednesday, September 215:30—6:30 PMThe Lois M. Anderson Community RoomThe Newbury Town Library0 Lunt St. , Byfield, MA, 01922

The New England landscape has long been battered by some of the most intense weather in the United States. The region breeds one of the highest concentrations of meteorologists in the country for a reason. One can experience just about anything except a dust storm. Snowstorms, floods, droughts, heat waves, arctic blasts, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and other atmospheric oddities come and go with the changing seasons. Rare is the boring year of weather.

Knowing the past is a critical part of understanding and forecasting the weather. Meteorologist Eric Fisher takes an in depth look at some of the most intense weather events in New England’s history. The stories in this book not only describe the loss and the damage caused by the storms, but also how nearly all of them left such an impression that they immediately led to progress where new warnings systems were implemented, government agencies formed, and technology accelerated in response to the devastation these events left behind.

Eric Fisher is Chief Meteorologist for CBS Boston's WBZ-TV News and anchors weather segments weeknights at 5PM, 6PM, and 11PM, as well as WBZ-TV News at 8PM on myTV38 (WSBK-TV). He is also a frequent contributor the CBS News, often found reporting on breaking severe weather across the country on the CBS Evening News.

Born and raised in New England, Eric says there are few places on earth that produce weather like this little corner of the U.S. It offers the challenges of blockbuster snowstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, frigid cold snaps and dramatic seasonal shifts. A supporter of science and learning, Eric is a member of both the Mount Washington Observatory and the Blue Hill Observatory here in New England. Eric is a graduate of the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY) with a B.S. degree in Atmospheric Science.

Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Newbury Town Library.

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